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Lock-in Low Carbon Impact with LION Floor

Lock-in Low Carbon Impact with LION Floor hardboard underlay

When it comes to delivering a high-quality resilient floor, installers are turning to LION Floor for its ease of use, strength, reliability, availability and status as the most sustainable substrate.

LION Floor is a fabricated hardboard underlay that’s been developed specifically for flooring. Made to deliver a substrate that’s installed in the same way as plywood but with several advantages, LION Floor is a sign of quality workmanship, where resilience and longevity of the installation is prioritised. 

LION Floor also comes with a third-party verified EPD that demonstrates its use is also a sign of a more sustainable installation. This means that every project which chooses LION Floor can now benefit from a fabricated hardboard underlay that’s proven its environmental performance in line with international standards (ISO 14025). The EPD looks at the cradle to gate lifecycle of LION Boards and sees a Global Warming Potential figure far below European made particleboard and plywood.

Peter Jones, Finnish Fibreboard, said: “EPDs are one of the few methods to really establish the impact of the products that you use, so if you want to choose more sustainable products on the basis of facts rather than greenwash, then you should always ask your supplier if the product your considering has one. We went through the process of obtaining an independently verified product specific EPD for LION Floor. This means that if your project demands attention to sustainability, you can have complete confidence in recommending LION Floor as the substrate with the lowest impact and best performance.”

For every cubic metre of LION Boards produced (weighing 980kg), the Global Warming Potential (GWP) of LION Floor’s lifecycle is -1,771kgCO2, significantly less than European made particleboard at -618kgCO2* or European made plywood at -888kgCO2*. 

Because LION Boards use wood by-product, itself a CO2 store that would have otherwise gone to incineration and have released CO2 back into the atmosphere, they lock-in more carbon throughout the product lifetime than products using virgin wood and this accounts for the exceptional GWP figure. 

The EPD (HUB-0633) can be publicly accessed on and Finnish Fibreboard has also published a complimentary Carbon Handprint document in conjunction with Greenstep, a global business services company that specialises in giving companies the tools to grow and become more sustainable. 

For more information, contact Finnish Fibreboard (UK) Ltd:

*Average carbon footprint based on values from multiple manufacturers.

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