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  • Steve Bakker becomes Managing Director of WoolSafe

Change at the Top at WoolSafe

Steve Bakker and Dr Agnes Zsednai WoolSafe

WoolSafe managing director Dr Agnes Zsednai is stepping back from the day-to-day running of the company and assuming the role of scientific advisor. Steve Bakker, son of WoolSafe founder, Paul Bakker, will take over as managing director.

Agnes, a research chemist by profession, joined WoolSafe in 2002 to oversee the chemical testing programme. She has been managing director of the company since 2010, successfully guiding the expansion of the business and, in addition to WoolSafe, developing the testing and approval programmes CleanSeal and EnviroSeal. 

Steve Bakker said: “Agnes is very well respected within the cleaning industry and has been a fantastic figurehead for the company over the years. We are very grateful for all the hard work and dedication Agnes has shown and we are pleased that she will remain as scientific advisor, continuing to help and advise our chemical licensees and service providers, until a successor can be found.”

Agnes said: “I have enjoyed working for WoolSafe and learning about the wonderful properties of wool carpet. There is never a dull moment here: our testing has had to evolve to keep up with new developments in cleaning products, as formulators respond to changing regulations and increasing customer expectations.  

“I have been a wool cleaning expert on standardisation bodies and was very pleased to have the WoolSafe certification programme referred to in the American cleaning standard, S100. I feel I can still contribute to the industry, but it is also time to step back and let the younger generation take over.”

Steve joined WoolSafe in 2009 as marketing manager and has been global marketing director since 2018. In 2010 Steve upgraded the WoolSafe newsletter with the glossy WoolSafe News magazine to keep members and industry stakeholders up to date with relevant cleaning and flooring news from around the world. In 2012 he developed WoolSafe Academy, cementing WoolSafe as the authority in their field. The Academy greatly expanded the number of courses offered and became a free and open resource for the cleaning industry with technical files and a library. In 2013 the WoolSafe Carpet Stain Removal Guide App was launched and in 2014 Wool Owners Warranty was developed with leading carpet manufacturers. Over the last eight years Steve has overseen the introduction of new global networks: WoolSafe Approved Colour Restorers, Rug Care Specialists and Rug Repairers as well as Associate Manufacturers, Retailers and Industry Partners.  

Steve said: “I’ve really enjoyed marketing the WoolSafe brand these past 15 years and look forward to my new role steering the company in the years ahead. Agnes hands over the reins with the company in great shape. WoolSafe is showing growth in all our key markets in the UK, Australia and North America and I will be dedicated to maintaining, and improving, that trajectory where possible.” 

If you have the right credentials to join WoolSafe in the technical role of Scientific Advisor, the organisation is eager to hear from you.

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