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F. Ball Launches Virtual Site Visits

F. Ball Launches Virtual Site Visits

Flooring contractors using products from F. Ball and Co. Ltd. can now receive on-the-spot site assessments and answers to their questions via video calls. Using mobile and tablet apps, the company’s technical experts can instantly advise the best course of action for specific flooring projects without delay.

The subfloor preparation products and adhesives manufacturer is offering virtual site visits facilitated by apps including WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and Zoom. Having arranged a video call with F. Ball’s Technical Service Department, contractors can guide a Technical Service Officer around site and receive expert instruction on the high-performance products needed to achieve the best results. 

For questions where a visual brief is not required, F. Ball’s Technical Service Department continues to resolve queries by phone, email and submission form on the F. Ball website, during normal office hours, also helping the flooring trade to meet the highest industry standards while maintaining social distancing requirements.

The option for video calls has been well received by the flooring trade. Ken Appleby, Managing Director at Frome Carpet and Flooring, one of those who has already benefitted from the service, said: “We’ve been in the trade for over 40 years, and we thought we’d seen everything, but recently we had to refurbish a subfloor which had a coating that we didn’t recognise, likely applied by a builder. It took just a quick video call for F. Ball to advise nothing would bond to it and it would need to be mechanically removed. We were very happy with the diagnosis, which allowed us to progress the project without further delay.”

In addition to this virtual service, contractors can still request physical site visits from F. Ball’s regional Technical Representatives, in Covid-secure environments where social distancing can be maintained. 

F. Ball Sales Director, Darren Kenyon, said: “Before lockdown, we had already begun to look at how we could further improve our support for the flooring trade. Our Technical Service Department has always been available via ‘traditional’ methods, such as phone calls, but sometimes you just have to be there and see it to be able to answer a question; technology is providing yet another option when our support is needed on-site.” 

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