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Designer Contracts Launches Sustainability Champions Campaign

Designer Contracts Launches Sustainability Champions Campaign

Designer Contracts, multi-award winners over nine-years in the Carpet Recycling UK Awards, has launched its latest sustainability initiative. 

This time, the company has turned the focus in-house with a campaign to promote sustainability in the workplace. Its 2024 Sustainability Champions scheme gives employees the chance to engage in positive climate action and environmental responsibility.

Representatives from each region, warehouse and head office are now responsible for monitoring and recording energy usage and waste invoices to maximise the company’s sustainability savings over the next year. Each ‘champion’ will receive an incentive for doing so with the top five performing champions receiving a further bonus at the end of the period.

Commercial director Louise Walters said: “Our sustainability champions are passionate about climate action and sustainability in their workplace. They are being asked to record daily energy usage to identify spikes and any inconsistencies and also review and record monthly utility bills.

“They will also be responsible for recording all waste collections, reducing print and paper use, minimising waste from our products and packaging, segregating waste to maximise recycling opportunities, reducing energy use by turning off electrical appliances not in use.

“This is an important new initiative for us and supports the work we are doing across the board to ensure that, as a company, we work towards Net Zero and minimising our impact on the climate.”

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